A downloadable game

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You are builders and makers, and you are building a safe place. It will not be immune to dreadful weather, but there will be buckets enough to catch the indoor rain. It will not last forever, but you are going to make sure it lasts a long, long time.

First however, you need to gather materials. The journey will be difficult, and then suddenly easy, and then perhaps difficult again in unknown patterns. Your journey will be measured by the rising and setting of the sun (which is always rising and setting, never anything in between) and by the seasons. You have a vague notion of travelling from the Sky Season, through Mirror Season, and then to Glyph Season. But you may decide to end your travels sooner, or later.

Whenever you feel you have enough materials to build the safe place, you may return home, and end the game. I wish you well on your journey...


Safe Place is a Born Freely Traded game.
It is GMless, for 2+ players, and contains simple yet evocative character creation and play.

All you need is 3 six-sided dice to step into a surreal world of magic, queer allegory, and found family.

Works great for a one-shot or two-shot, depending on your rolls and narrative depth.


Safe Place is inspired by the Reliquary Street Station discord and game jams, initiated by stargazersasha.

A Safe Place is not safe because nothing bad ever happens there, it is safe because there are always tools to return to a deeply felt sense of being grounded and OK.

I am grateful to have found and built Places like this, and I hope you find them too.



Buy Now$5.00 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $5 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Safe Place Booklet.pdf 95 kB
Safe Place 1 pager.pdf 93 kB
Safe Place Plain Text - Atkinson Hyperlegible.pdf 98 kB

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