A downloadable game

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At some mundane moment, something shifted in you. The number of ‘coincidences’ became too large to be without meaning. The deja vu became impossible to ignore. It hit you, not like a sack of bricks, but like a shawl landing firmly on your shoulders.

This is not your first life. You have lived many others, and now they start trickling in…


In Incarnation, you create a character who has just become aware that the life they are leading is not their first life. Using a tarot deck you will create the story of this character and their past lives, uncovering secrets pleasant and otherwise.

With all that this character has been through, the weight of all they hold, who are they really?

Let’s play to find out.


To play Incarnation you will need:

🎴 A tarot deck

📝 Writing / recording tools


Incarnation is a solo roleplaying game, inspired by Anamnesis by Sam Leigh of Blinking Birch Games. It was created as part of the Anamnesis Game Jam.

Art by the incredible Kaden Ramstack.


Buy Now$10.00 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $10 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Incarnation Pages.pdf 1.5 MB
Incarnation Spreads.pdf 1.5 MB
Incarnation plain text Atkinson Hyperlegible.pdf 100 kB

Community Copies

Support this game at or above a special price point to receive something exclusive.

Community Copies

These are free copies of the game for those that face financial hardship that would otherwise prevent them from purchasing. This works on the honour system. Please download a free copy if you need, no questions asked. In addition, for every copy purchased, another free copy will be added here.


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hi there fabulous creator. Just curious if there’s any more community copies available? I really appreciate game creators like you who do generously offer these community copies to people going through a hard time. It really helps out.

Thank you in advance

Hey hey, just added some more now. Thanks for asking :)

thank you so much

I really appreciate your kindness and generosity


You have lived more than once, and you will relive your memories and experiences again to see how they will change your future. 

Incarnation is an Anamnesis game in which you recall one of your previous lives through each of the acts. You start by creating your character, their current situation and attributes, then live through a life as another person, an animal, a plant, a finally an object. 

Each Act you answer questions about your past life and reflect how it is similar to your current life and what you can learn from this previous life.  

I played as a mirror-maker socialite who had to decide if they cared more about being remembered for creating something great or if they were more interested in making social connections. You can find my playthrough HERE


Thanks for playing and for sharing your playthough Kaden! I enjoyed reading it, and I hope the mirror-maker and Trinidad make it work 🤞🏼

Any chance for a community copy?  Im a witch of 30+ years and love this for that alone, but also launching a 2nd YT channel focused on solo RPGs, and would love to play and review this.

Thanks for letting me know they’ve run out! I’ve just topped them up now. Would love to see your YT playthrough if you get to it 😊

Nice, thanks so much and you will be the first to know as soon as its ready.


Okay, wow! I’ve only created my character and read through the Acts and Epilogue. But I’m already VERY excited to see where this takes me. Will pop back in after a full playthrough!

That’s so great to hear, thank you!! Looking forward to hearing about your playthrough 😊

hey, is there any chance more community copies will ever be added? 

Heya, thanks for letting me know they've all been claimed! I'll add some more right now 😊

(1 edit) (+1)

Logan does not disappoint! I had to sit a long time with each prompt, taking me places I had never been through solo journaling before. Each chapter could have been a novel, separate stories of past lives, with their tenuous yet powerful connection to the present day. In understanding many characters, we see ourselves even more clearly. Phenomenal game, and well worth the price. My favorite from the jam thus far, and it'll be hard to top.

Wow, thank you so much! I really wanted Incarnation to be able to go to profound places, and I'm so glad that landed for you. I agree it can be an amazing way to learn about one's self. I hope to play again with different tarot decks and see what stories arise.

Many thanks for your kind words 💖